I had a conversation today with a wonderful human I know. We spoke of being a vessel. A vessel doesn’t think, it just does. I believe the Master Yoda said something to this regard. When I think I usually don’t even know what is best for myself even though I know myself best. I would never be doing this blog or writing my book or having the name Heartbroken Warrior if I wasn’t specifically told to do these things by my Guide and Spirits. I was doing coaching and on my Spiritual Path, but I didn’t know that my writing was an outlet for that growth. I have always been an artist. I have made visual art and been associated with galleries. I am sensitive and like to create, but writing wasn’t an outlet. I love to communicate though and I have often prayed when entering into a session with a client that I would be an empty and clean vessel for Spirit to pour through. To be an artist, you must be in flow and somewhat in a trance. It is like when you are a runner and you enter into a meditation after running for some time and aren’t thinking at all … you are thoughtless and often the biggest messages are received then.
I want to be empty and clean because I do not want anything to taint the purity of the Truth of Spirit. If I am dirty, I could sicken another with the toxicity of my own bacteria and fungus. If I am not empty, then I would be like a teabag and flavor the Truth of Spirit. I only want to be the container that holds the liquid of Spirit .. the message to be given. I want to be still and quiet to hear the words of Truth. I want to be a channel for that Truth to communicate with others. I don’t want to think, but to do and be in a meditation of emptiness. It is like I am the radio station that plays the music. Again, it’s about frequency and vibration.
My friend is so smart and skilled. She is at the top of her game. The best at what she does. She has a spirit that beams and radiates love and light. She impacts everyone she encounters and frequently doesn’t know it like many of us. If we could see ourselves as others do then we could have better self love. She thinks her son is even better at what she does. She trained him. A student very rarely can achieve what a Master can. He has ego wrapped around everything it seems. She said without my prompting that she would say a little prayer before she encounters any client. I said you are being a vessel to allow your words to flow with Love. It is no wonder that you beam such a bright light and light up any room you enter. She didn’t realize she was being a vessel of Loving Intention. It is just part of her process. She has had some rough times and could consider herself a victim of other’s choices. She had to pull herself up by her bootstraps years ago and learned this lesson of prayer and intention after a very rough situation. Being a simple, clean and empty vessel without our ego, but trusting that God essentially is in control of everything is Greatness and takes us to the top of our game. If we are humble, trust God or the Universe and have the intention of Love with our words and outcomes, then we will achieve Greatness. Integrating the ego will never achieve Greatness. The ego may see some trophies and think it is because if it’s small intention, but it was God who allowed the Greatness for the time and is due that glory. We are worthy of Greatness, but we must diminish the ego and trust and allow God to pour through us. We must work on keeping our vessel clean and empty. We must have Perfect Intention … Love and not Fear. Acknowledge that you are a beautiful vessel, a uniquely gorgeous pitcher that Perfect Love can pour through. You are beautiful because you hold the Beautiful Spirit of God inside you that is ready to pour into everyone you encounter. One must have the intention of Love and do the work to clean yourself and empty your thoughts to be the Vessel of Light.
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