Big, Full of Choice and in Authority


We are really BIG and we are much bigger than we think we are. We have been conditioned and lied to that we are small and powerless. This lie is pervasive and seen in an adoption of a condescending culture of “humility”. Again, we have this stupid demeaning lie of self which we are inundated with from our social culture. We are “selfish” when we are self-loving. We are having “humility” with self-deprecating jokes and diminishing words about our self-worth. These are lies and we are judged by others when we stand up to these lies and do differently.

Humility is being open to being wrong. Humility is vulnerability and the strength in knowing that we all make mistakes and those mistakes are paths to achievement. Humility is the beginning of change. Knowing that you have a need and ability to do more is Humility. Having humility is understanding that it is okay to not know everything, but trusting Spirit (who does know all things) to do with you what is needed. Humility is not knowing that you are pretty or smart or strong, but acting like those things are not true. Self-love is doing what is best for you and doing it the way you want to. Selfishness is being told to do it someone else’s way. Knowing what is best for you and doing it is being Big.

We can chose anything we want. This is self-love and power. We are always in a situation to make choices for what is best for us. When we choose what is best for us, then we are choosing what is best for everyone we encounter. This is thoughtfulness. This is self-love. We are never a victim since we are always in choice. Victimhood is part of that lie we hear from the small self or “the Devil”. The devil is fear. We hear fear constantly from our small self. Our True Divine Self only speaks in the language of Love. God is ONLY LOVE. God doesn’t deal in fear. Threats of burning in hell for all eternity is of the devil and not God. We only burn in hell when we are here on Earth and listen and live by fear.

We are so Big that we are in authority of our lives. We make all the choices and have responsibility for all choices made. We have a responsibility to have the ultimate authority of our lives. What a great power! We can do anything and everything we want to. We can live in fear or in Love. It is our choice. This choice is what makes Earth so special. It is a world of polarity where we can choose up or down or left or right or in between. We can be in fear of mistakes to the extent that we never make choices to edify ourselves. We can be in fear to never really move, but stay in one place that has been deemed safe. You can only blame yourself for not being happy or living in sadness or pain or never growing. You can choose differently right now. But you say, “I can’t do this. Others will be hurt. I can’t do that because what if I lose everything. What will they say when they see me make this big choice? I’m stuck in this marriage or I am stuck in this job. I am so unhappy, but I am locked into this contract I made.” You cannot blame anyone, but you. You are in choice this second. There is no blame on others because that creates victimhood. You allow others to control you.

We are very Big! We can claim anything we want and we are allowed anything we want. We are told that we cannot have this or that. We are told we cannot do this or that because our religion or culture or god disapproves. We are controlled and brainwashed. It takes guts to stand up against what we are told to believe. Usually, we have already chosen to believe things that we can’t even think about questioning. The peer pressure of what our society will think if we do something strong for ourselves is overwhelming. We are judged for making choices for ourselves by our peers, yet when those peers see a movie with someone doing something brave for their own benefit, they are idolized. It is more of a threat to those judging you that they aren’t making bold moves of self-love when they see you make big moves of self-love. They will be seen as weak for not doing something Big if you are successful with a loving move for yourself. If a movie star does it, they are not threatened because they view the movie star with more Bigness as they are on another level.

What is in my authority is all I can imagine. If I can imagine it, then it is possible. Anything you can dream is possible. If possible, then it can be created. You can create anything and do anything you want to. If created, then it can be in my vibration accordingly. You can have Hope and Know this. Whatever I can imagine is in my authority and dominion. Don’t believe the lies of smallness … of cant … of not allowed … of failure … of disappointment .. of abandonment, neglect or being alone. Have the intention of Hope. Have the intention of exceeding possibilities of Greatness for yourself. Intention is creative action that is so.

We have the ultimate choice in all things and every decision. No one can tell me who I am more than me. I am Big! You must know yourself because you have choices to make and the knowledge of self lets you make your best choices. Choose greatness for yourself today. Know that you aren’t even scratching the surface of what you can do and be. Know that you have the power of our Creator as your Soul and you have support from beyond this world we know. We are loved and supported by our loved ones in spirit and we are instructed to do anything we want to do that is supporting Self-Love. We have to unlisten to those voices of negativity, of doubt, of fear and of diminishing our true nature of being Big. We are in dominion of our lives and no one can control you unless you allow them or their judgment, perceived or not to control you.

I choose to do anything I want to that will benefit my Happiness. I want those around me to love me for these choices and if they do not, then I understand that they are not loving me and I don’t need to take that personally. They have issues to work on and they limit themselves often. When I am being limited by others, it is not personal because they don’t want anyone to grow more than they allow themselves to grow. I have absolute choice over my life and I limit myself when I allow other people’s viewpoints to control my choices. I choose Happiness and Joy for myself regardless of what my society says. Anything that I dream is possible and can be created. This and every choice in in my authority and ownership and I can have anything I want in and as my life.


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