Happy Halloween


I am reminded today of the history and current thoughts of this day in America. It is a time of fun, but also a time of promoting fear. Now remember that fear can be treated as a fun thing. Often, it is used to entertain and create drama. It can be a Three Stooges type of humor where it is funny to scare someone. It can be exciting and a rush of adrenaline.

Fear however, is generally a terrible vibration. No one wants to live in fear. Maybe it is their normal and they feel uncomfortable when not in that state, but for the most part we don’t want to be afraid. A client of mine has a sign up in his house that says that in the Bible, it is stated 365 times to “fear not”. I don’t know if this is true, but I like the idea that everyday we can be reminded to not be afraid.

When I was a child, I went to an evangelical christian church who in protest of this “Satanic” holiday would insulate the children of that church with a “Harvest Celebration” in order to keep these kids from taking part in Halloween. This went along with the school they started that promoted christian dogma and demoted science and such. They wanted to hide the “ungodly” world they live in.

I think that we can have fun with trick or treat and dress in costumes and play with this holiday. I was thinking about how this day promotes fear typically usually in fun. However, we can really swap this around and remember on a fun day like this that the opposite of Love is Fear. EVERYTHING that is not Love is based in fear. Anger, jealousy, grief, powerlessness, guilt, unworthiness, insecurity, hatred, rage, desperation, revenge, discouragement, blame, worry, doubt, disappointment, frustration, pessimism, and even boredom are fear based behaviors. So there is Love and there is Fear. This is the polarity of our world we live in. We can use these negative feelings and lean into them. We can use them to help us move our vibration higher. We can choose contentment, hopefulness, optimism, positive expectation, belief, enthusiasm, happiness, passion and freedom, love, empowerment, appreciation and Joy. It takes focus and being in the moment to become aware of our feelings. We can feel the negative to bring us up the ladder to the positive.

This is a wonderful day to practice the opposite of fear. We can celebrate both actually. We can have self-acceptance to know that we are divine and working to be more like Christ, Buddha or any other amazing human that figured it out. Halloween is a day of Love. It is a day of recognizing fear. It is a special day we can be conscious and play with our friends and children. Lets not hide our kids from this day. Tell your kids about how fun it is to Love on this playful holiday.


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