Recognition and Love


Sometimes a bad time can be a good time. I recently had a small get together with some friends that I used to hang out with in a former time of my life. I would see these cats when I’ve attended some parties inconsistently over the years. These are just one off parties that I happen to get an invitation to. So, I invited a few of these folks over to my house recently. I realized very quickly exactly what I wasn’t missing. As I saw many behaviors that mimicked who I have been in the past, I
quickly tuned out. These are good people. They just have not grown much since I knew them. I am not being judgemental. The negativity out of their mouths and the passive aggressive comments were a little off-putting. I saw things that I could recognize because I did that in the past too. I just try to be conscious of my words now and the way I associate with others. There was extreme belligerence and the assertion of egos. All in all, by the time that I went to bed, I was laughing to myself. I wondered why wasn’t I’m angry? I was just so thankful to have the growth and the change that I’ve undergone. Divine Wisdom has been handed to me to assimilate. I had the upmost gratitude for this gift. I was grateful to understand that even though I’m not always invited and I don’t have much of a social existence like I did, I’m so happy. I even said that I dropped out of that scene for the reasons of the anger and provocative nature of stirring the pot that I saw with some
people. I’m so happy to be where I am. Sometimes a bad time can be the perfect barometer for the good times you are experiencing and the growth one has. I have no judgment towards any of them, I have only love because of where I see myself. I have hope and kindness and love for those that can’t see beyond the fog of their own ego because I did exactly those things. I of course, still do dumb things, but at least I can recognize afterward and practice not doing those and realign my vibration to Love because if I am hating on them, then I do not have self-love and I am hating myself.


2 responses to “Recognition and Love”

  1. Doris Avatar

    I want to tune into this energy and high vibration as I hope many more will be. We are all called to understand ourselves as one. We are all part of the same Oneness. I wish for us all to have the awakening you have already experienced. May we all we able to reach our highest self for the good of us all. Thank you for sharing your story and wisdom. Always to the point. Always relevant.

    1. admin Avatar

      Thank you for your thoughts Doris … I am humbled by your kindness and recognition. Your comment is a big gust of wind in my sails.

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