Negative self talk is a big issue with myself and many others I encounter. The inability to take a compliment. The need to counter a nice word by insulting ourselves. This is all in the name of being “humble” or fear of being perceived as conceited. Again, another super extreme way of us trying to balance at our detriment. We will use negative words against ourselves or even all out lie and say we aren’t good at something or look ugly in some way. This twisted form of humility is rooted in fear and by thinking that way and acting it out, we become exactly that thing and stuck in a cycle of no growth.
It is okay to acknowledge the facts. It is okay to love ourselves as we would love someone else. Remember, the crux of that lesson of loving your neighbor as yourself is reliance on loving yourself first. The other way around is impossible. How often do we compliment someone else but would never be so nice when looking in the mirror. Our words can build a cycle of self-hate. Words of kindness and love make us strong. These words edify and remind us of how amazing we are. We can apply them to ourselves. We have to out of fairness.
There are so many reasons that we are amazing. Firstly we are a child of God. That True Divine Spirit we have as our Soul is uncomprehending power. It is the power of our Creator. The Creator of everything. We have very powerful energy inside us. It can do anything unimaginable.
Another reason we are amazing is we have a personality. We have a unique personality. This isn’t just something that evolved. Well, it did, but over the course of our lifetimes. Our unique Paths created this fingerprint type trait. Karma creates personality. I take this from Eastern Philosophy, but also the book I love called Journey of Souls. This perfect channeled work explains what happens after death and who we are and how we got here and other important questions. It jives perfectly with my Eastern Philosophy beliefs and the other channeled works including my Medium and those Spirits as well as all the others books I love like Paul Selig’s and Abraham Hicks. I blew through this book like no other I have ever read. I was so excited to know about my Soul Family and who my Council of Elders are. It explains how we all have unique skills or our soul wouldn’t be born.
It’s okay to acknowledge those high level skills we have, as well as the deficiencies in order to keep fair balance. We must acknowledge areas we can improve upon so we can make a deficiency a skill. Finding the balance between “I am good at this” and “I don’t like the outcomes when I do this and I can get better” is important. We have to put practice in all the areas we realize are a talent or a deficiency. Remember, we must keep practicing to keep our skills up. A pro athlete doesn’t make it to the highest level and then quit practicing. When we see that we can do better or find situations where we would like a better result, then we can practice these things consciously too. Just as we would say that someone is a good baseball batter or good business man or good human, we can acknowledge our skills and strengths. Its only fair.
Self affirmations are rooted in time. Repetitive words and phrases have been used as a tool for thousands of years. It could be chanting or a repetitive verse in a song. Affirmations don’t just remind us of our perfection, but have energetic power to literally change us to our DNA. Your energy is rarely spoken of, however if we are open minded we will consider that this massive energy field will impact your human body. Our words can facilitate healing and superpowers. Your words are power. They are magic. They make us a sorcerer that can cast spells and create self fulfilling prophesy. They create intention. They are power. Giving yourself an energetic workout with your affirmations is more life changing than someone may think.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. ~John 1:1
The word is God. Our words have the power to create and destroy. We are in choice and this is part of the wonder of our existence here on Earth .. Polarity of Choice. We can produce Miracles with our words with the power of our Soul. We can heal ourselves with our vocal abilities or just viewing ourselves as adorable … as lovable … as beautiful … as a miracle … as the Truth of who we really are.
I have to remember to be good to myself. I am a season ticket holder to our local soccer team and I sometimes have an issue with finding someone to go with. I ended up going alone last week and it was really fun! I took myself on a date. I ate out and had fun getting ready in my soccer wear and cheering them on. This is a great way for me to love myself and say I am worth everything I would give to someone else. The last time I had an extra ticket, I just stayed home because I didn’t want to go alone. Well, if I approach it right, I can be treated like a king and enjoy the moment. I guess this was something that I was good at! Ha!
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