I wrote recently that I have difficulty allowing the desires of my heart to by fulfilled when it comes to love. This love I seek can be a romantic kind or a familial kind. These are two very deep issues for me based on the history that I continue to remember and claim as my identity. As I have written before, our history is NOT our identity. Yes, it has put us in this current situation based on the choices we have made. However, we can be brand new and reborn when we remember who we really are as our Divine Self … as a Perfect Soul which is the spark of God’s flame. I tend to forget this like most people.
To desire something badly and working with our physical control and might is not offering our hearts to the Holy Spirit of this World. My offering of my heart to God is placing the desires of my heart on an alter and trusting God to give me those. Rather than working so hard with all of my might and control, I can allow the Universe to grant all I ask for. I don’t need to paddle upstream. We know that doesn’t work. in fact, it exhausts me and I will end up going downstream anyway because of fatigue. I don’t have to get my hammer and try and force a square peg into a round hole. I know I will just splinter the square peg and destroy what I am forcing to happen with my own control.
I know that our Creator is more powerful than me. I know that our Creator is nothing but Love. I know that our Creator loves us more than I can realize as I am a Holy Child with a perfect spirit. I also know that the Source of all creation wants me to achieve Joy and have my purposes and desires fulfilled. Why do I fear that if I do not try and force and control the outcomes of what I want, I will not get it? We are so conditioned to take everything into our own hands to make a result happen. It is truly fear based. Fear is the opposite of Love. It is said True Love casts out all fear. It is contrary to our culture for us to allow and trust that everything falls into place the way it should. We have difficulty letting our high vibration of Love bring us perfection and the desires of our heart. It is truly trusting the Universe.
How do we allow and trust that our desires and perfection is coming to us? How do we not live in fear? How do we raise our vibration? It is rooted in the Union of us and our Creator and the Union of us with each other. It is rooted in seeing everything, everybody and every situation as Perfect. There is no person that is loved more by God than another. Even if you are on an amazing Path of enlightenment, you are not better or more evolved than someone struggling who may be doing very painful things to themselves or others that seem to have no awareness of Love. Every person you encounter has a True Divine Self that is perfect Love. They may not know it. They may not act like it. When you encounter and know this beyond their knowledge, then you are lifting them up in vibration so that they will one day recognize their true perfection and divinity. When you do this, you are raising your vibration. When you do this you are seeing them in Union with God and you. When you allow others to be in their choice and give them the respect and dignity of a divine soul then you are raising your vibration. When you see the difficult situation that you would not have desired as perfect, you will see that as a gift of growth bringing you to a level of Christ Consciousness. This is how you raise your vibration. This is how you Love. This is how you attain the desires of your heart and do not fear the opposite. This is the path to Joy. This is what I strive for and practice by remembering.
Do you understand how to raise your vibration to one that a Buddha or a Christ had? Do you have techniques to do so that you can share? Meditation, study, prayer and practice are ways to get there. Are these methods for your Awareness? Have you struggled with this like I have? What are your thoughts?
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